Friday, June 26, 2009

Thursday - SUPER Target and a Date

I know it may not seem like a big deal to most, but before we came out to CA, Gigi had told me of a wonderful place in Ventura. A Super Target that is TWO STORIES, with an escalator just for your cart!!! Not only that, but this Target is attached to a mall! Seriously, it does not get much better than that! You don't know how many times I have wished to have a Target attached to our mall! How convenient! Denny wouldn't see me all day if we had one of these in Frisco! I think I will write the executives at Target and petition for one!

Breathtaking isn't it?

There goes the little cart.

Olivia and I both thought the Target was super cool! We are such nerds!!! We even ate in the little cafe, how gourmet... popcorn, a pretzel and a hot dog to top off our visit!

Since I will be gone for the next three days, getting some QT with my hubby, I thought it would be nice to spend some QT with my sweet girl before I go. When Bumpa and Gigi are around, Mommy gets no love! So I had to steal her away! I enticed her with the park and a pizza dinner! I had fun and really enjoyed our time together, I think she actually did too!

I trust that B&G will take good care of my angels while we are away! Can't wait to share the details of me and Denny's weekend getaway! LA here we come!!!


Julie said...

Get that petition going! I'll be the first to sign!!! I hope you and Denny have a great time in LA!

Rebecca said...

Haha! You should be paid endorsement money by Target!

Hope you're having a fantastic grown-up time!

Summer said...

Okay, that Target looks like heaven! My favorites store- only bigger! Of course, I couldn't go in there, because I am a sucker for everything in Target. I start to lose track of time and feel almost light-headed as I fill my cart with things I didn't plan on buying. :)
Can't wait to hear about your weekend vacation.