Monday, June 22, 2009

Thursday - Our first day in Paradise

So, Thursday was our first full day to take in Santa Barbara, and full it was! Bumpa had to go into work, so it was up to Gigi to be our tour guide and she did a fabulous job!

I was trying to get a pic of Liv on one of their many patios, but it didn't turn out very good. Behind those trees, behind Olivia, is the ocean! You can see it from almost every room in their house. Their house is built into the hillside so it is multi-level and there is a patio and/or balcony on every level, not to mention tons of windows! The view is gorgeous! The picture does not even come close to doing it justice!

For our first outing, Gigi took us down to State St., the center of their downtown area that has tons of little (and big) shops! We went into several unique shops and found a cute courtyard area to take some pics! *Beware, Olivia has not been a happy subject, so I did the best I could!* :)

Jack had lots of fun - he was just happy to be out in the fresh air vs. a small, enclosed airplane.

After our stroll down State St. we came home for lunch and I got lots of cute photos of my bubby! Here are just a couple that I couldn't resist!

And after lunch and naps, we headed, where else but to the beach! I am not used to the cool air in the middle of summer, so the beach was a little chilly, but it was great!

Doesn't Gigi look like she fits right in on the beach! I love her hat!

Then after dinner it was off to the playset in the backyard! As we were walking in from playing, Olivia said to me, "Mommy, I like this house better than their old house." Gee... I wonder why?

Like I said, it was a full day, but tons of fun! There is so much to this city, every day we do something new and different! We are having a great time, Bumpa and Gigi are the ultimate hosts!

1 comment:

Julie said...

It looks like you guys are having so much fun! We miss you!