Friday, February 27, 2009

February Fun

Aside from Valentine's Day the month of February was a lot of fun around here!

Olivia was invited to her sweet friend Maci's 5th birthday party! It is so hard to believe that these sweet girls are all turning 5 and will be starting kindergarten next year! Emma, Sawyer, Maci and Olivia have been friends for so long, really, since they were babies for the most part! Obviously they have changed so much, and it has really been fun to see them grow-up together!

Princess Aurora was also invited!
The girls were asked to dress in their princess best, so Olivia chose Snow White!
Ayva, Olivia and Emma playing the parachute game! It doesn't look like it, but they really were having fun! :)

And a few days ago, we discovered the wonders of our jacuzi tub! Liv has taken baths in there before, but we decided to turn the jets on the other day and it created it's own bubble bath, I guess just from the soap and shampoo that had been rinsed off of her! She had SO much fun playing in all of the bubbles... and I mean, there were some serious bubbles!

Olivia had lots of fun pretending to be Bumpa and Santa Claus, the two men in her life with beards!

The simple pleasures to a 4 year old!

This particular "do" looked just like an afro!

Last week we had "the girls" over for a playdate. They had so much fun and all got along great!

They were so silly! At one point they all crawled under the table as they were pretending to be kitties and doggies.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Jack's 6 Month Well Visit

Just wanted to update as promised and fill you in on Jack's doctor's appointment today!

Here are his stats...
Length = 28 1/4 inches - 95th%
Weight = 18 lbs. 8 oz. - 60th%
Head = 44 cm - 50th%

Everything looked good! Thankfully the doctor was not worried about him not rolling much or pushing his chest off the ground! He seemed confident Jack could do it, just chose not to, since he is progressing in other areas. And he told us to keep working with him on the floor!

And of course he had 3 shots! At least next time it's only 2... and a finger prick!

I have some comparison pics of Liv at this age I will post too!

Monday, February 23, 2009

Valentine's Day

I have so much to blog about, I am so behind! Here are a few pics from our Valentine's Day! It was a lot of fun having it on a Saturday. We used it as an excuse to spend the day together as a family and we had so much fun!

Olivia opening up her goodies. Some stuff for her Bitty Baby she had been wanting.
Denny and I had promised each other no gifts! We are trying to cut back and save our money! So when he and Liv brought out a box for me, I felt horrible I had stuck to our word and not gotten him a thing! Denny and Olivia (and Jack too) had gotten me some coffee mugs from Michael's that they had decorated. They were so cute! Here is one of Denny's masterpieces...
Bee my Valentine! :) It's an inside joke for us, so I loved it!

And here is one of Olivia's. This is a picture of her and Jack! She was disappointed there were only 4 markers that came with the mugs to do the drawing. So she had to have black hair! :)
I don't think I could have imagined a better gift! I love the time and thought that was put into it by both Denny and Liv! They were perfect!
We really just spent the day hanging out and taking it easy! It's so nice to have a laid back Saturday!
My little stud muffin! In his highchair yet again! I guess his highchair has replaced the infant carrier as my place to take his picture! :)

And another close-up... I just can't resist his sweet face!

Olivia playing with a balloon her grandma had brought ove earlier in the week. And her most cherished possession of the weekend, Sleeping Beauty. Mimi sent her $5 in her Valentine and of course, it just burnt a hole in her pocket until she could go and spend it at Target! This is what she came home with! Of course, we have already lost a shoe, those things are ridiculously small! I'm sure it's found a nice home in the vacuum cleaner bag!

Another fun balloon, a punching balloon. This was in a Valentine from someone at school.
And we have all had a blast playing with it!
The best part of my Valentine's Day was a dinner prepared and cooked by Denny! I got to select the menu and then he did all the work, grocery shopping, cooking, cleaning, and all!

While I was putting the kids down Denny was busy cooking. And when I came downstairs I saw this laying on the counter!
If you look closely you can see reminants of the butter on the measuring spoon! The recipe called for 2 tablespoons of butter, so he measured it out! Poor guy! It was so funny and so cute! I had to take a pic so I could look back one day and remember how hard I laughed!

Denny made us a spring salad (he even caramelized the almonds!), baked potatoes, and a YUMMY tenderloin fillet with gorganzola cream sauce! I have to say it was one of the BEST steaks I have ever had!
And it was one of the best Valentine's Days I have ever had as well!!!! Thank you to my sweet hubby for making it so very special from beginning to end!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Olivia's Valentine's Party

Olivia had her school Valentine's Day party on Friday. My friend Carey and I were in charge of the party, but Carey gets all the credit for the cute craft and fun games! All I did was bring the snack, and she even helped with ideas for that! :)

The kids made super cute flower pots and they played "Heartman" (like Hangman) and had fun stacking conversation hearts!

Olivia decorating her pot!
The finished product!

Enjoying her snack (and being silly for the camera)

And stacking the hearts!

Olivia is so lucky to get to sit next to one of her best friends, Maci! We are so thankful they are in class together, they have really become good friends!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Daddy Daughter Dance

Each year the city of Frisco puts on a Daddy Daughter dance right before Valentine's Day. I have been waiting for Olivia to be old enough to participate since she was born! And this was the year!!!

She went with one of her best friend's Kennedy, and her daddy! Liv was so excited to go to the dance! All week she'd ask how many more days, and come Saturday morning it was, how many more hours! I really can't wait until she can tell time! Sadly for Denny I think she was more excited about spending the day with Kennedy than him! She was also pumped because this meant, painted nails, curled hair, and a dab of make-up! AND, a coursage for her! It was like prom for pre-schoolers! Thankfully we didn't have to fork over the money for a limo!

You can't see it very well, but Kennedy is on the other side of the door! They can hardly wait to see each other!
Such sweet friends!

The Daddies and their girls!
A family pic - Jack looks beyond thrilled! You just wait little one - your turn will come with your mommy!

Of course the girls picked Chili's for their pre-dance lunch!
The girls at the dance!
The girls had a blast! Matt sent a couple of videos from the dance to Julie and I and they were hysterical. Denny said anytime he tried to get close and dance with Olivia she told him, "No daddy, I'll dance with you later!" She's already embarrassed to be seen with us.... Denny said the DJ was great and they did fun little dances like the chicken dance, the twist, the hokey pokey, and they did a train around the ballroom with the girls on their shoulders!!! So cute! And the last song was Butterfly Kisses and all the daddies held the girls to dance!
We really look forward to this next year and many years to come! As long as Olivia is still willing to participate at that point! ;)

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

At long last!

I was finally able to upload my videos to the computer and then to Blogger. I have had trouble with both, darn technology! So, here are two I felt were blog-worthy!

This one is just from this morning! Jack has started saying, "bababababa", it's really cute!

And this one is from the beginning of January! It would have been much better if I could have uploaded when I tried to originally, but it's still sweet!

Monday, February 9, 2009

Just like his Pop-pop

And probably his Bumpa for that matter! :)

Yesterday after church a group of us went up to Willie's for lunch. Jack had not had his full morning nap and then did not sleep in the nursery either. So, by the time we made it to lunch he was quite the sleepyhead!

He literally fell asleep sitting straight up in his highchair! Going....

and gone...

This may be the norm for some of your kids, but not mine! I know Olivia never fell asleep sitting up, much less in her highchair at a restaurant... too much to check out! It was really so funny, and cute too of course! It was just like when you'd nod off in school at your desk. His eyes would slowly roll back and then the head started bobbing! It instantly reminded me of my dad! He could really fall asleep anywhere, and did so fairly often. Although he usually took his nap a bit earlier... while sitting in church, not afterwards during lunch!

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Halfway to One Year!

I can't believe that Jack is 6 months old today! In 6 short months we'll be celebrating his 1st birthday, that is crazy!

Denny and I were just talking last night about how we see such differences in personality already between Jack and Olivia, at least as babies! Jack is SUPER laid back and Olivia was always studying everything. Jack smiles and giggles at anything, and it took a lot to get Olivia to crack a smile at this age, she is my serious baby, he is my silly! Olivia hit most of her milestones early or right on-time and I can see Jack being a little behind the 8 ball! ;) (He needs to get on it before we see Dr. B in 2 weeks! We'll be cramming!) Basically I have a Type A child and what appears to be a Type B child.... or one like their mommy and one like their daddy! It makes it so much fun! I will say that both Jack and Olivia are good eaters. Jack eats everything we have given him so far and so did Olivia! And they are both good sleepers.

Speaking of sleeping... Here is a pic of Jack getting himself to sleep. He does this at every nap and every night. He grabs his left pointer finger with his right hand and stretches it across his face right in front of his mouth. I guess this is his little way of keeping that fassy in. He typically falls asleep doing so! I can always tell when he's getting tired because if we are up playing he'll start doing this!
He is drooling like crazy these days and has days where he is biting everything in site! I don't know if you can tell in this picture, but his shirt is drenched and he has drool all over his chin. It could be from the constant raspberries he is blowing too!

The one milestone he is getting very close to hitting is sitting! He will sit alone, unsupported for seconds to minutes at a time, depending on his mood! He could still care less about rolling or being on his tummy! He is perfectly content lying on his back playing with toys, chewing on a bib or burp cloth, or just looking around blowing raspberries.

There is that beautiful smile!

The face of an angel!

Mom, please get this camera out of my face!

Trying to look like he's enjoying being on his tummy.

And... that's enough of that! Time for a nap!
When we get his stats from the doctor I'll be sure to post!