Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Father's Day!

Happy Father's Day to the most amazing daddy in all the world! Olivia, Jack and I are really missing Denny, especially today! This is the longest any of us have gone without seeing him, ever! We called him this morning to wish him a Happy Father's Day and Olivia said, "Mommy, I wish Daddy was here"! So sweet!

When we booked our trip to come out to CA, I did not realize we would be gone on Father's Day! I felt horrible when I found out we would not be with Denny. So we decided to celebrate a few weeks ago, but even then, I am missing him today for sure! But I trust he will be enjoying his day! We decided to surprise him with a massage, and he will also be playing golf with some of his good friends! So hopefully he will not miss us too much! ;)

The reasons he can celebrate this day!

Happy Father's Day to Bumpa too! This is the 3rd year in a row we have been with him on this day! Funny, it's never been planned that way, it just kind of happens. But we are glad to celebrate this day with him, and in such a fun and beautiful place! I am so thankful for the wonderful example he has been to Denny and to all of us now! I know that Denny is such a great daddy because of the love and care he received from his dad growing up, and continues to receive! They have a special relationship that Denny cherishes!

We are also thinking of, and greatly missing Pop-pop! There is not a day that goes by that I don't think of my dad and miss him so much! I didn't realize until I had kids of my own just how very much he loved me, and Denny and Olivia as well. And I just know that he would be head over heels for his newest grandson! Dad, we miss you and love you with all of our hearts, but are comforted knowing that you are experiencing the best Father's Day yet with our heavenly Father!

I am adding a Bible verse I like because it makes me think of Denny. He is one of the most honest, pure and sincere people I know! I am so incredibly lucky to have him as my hubby and our children are certainly blessed!

"A righteous man who walks in his integrity - how blessed are his sons after him" - Proverbs 20:7

Happy Father's Day to all of the wonderful daddies out there, we are blessed by their love and support!

1 comment:

spgraney said...

Denny is indeed a wonderful dad. And, as I tell Bumpa all the time, he is a much better Dad than I ever have been a Mom. We are so blessed to have him as an example to our sons . . . and to our newest boy, Jack. Love, love, love to our Dads, both here, in heaven and of course, our heavenly Father!