Sunday, August 23, 2009

Well Visits

Last Friday we went in for both Olivia and Jack's well visits. One plus of having the kid's birthdays so close, we get to knock them out together! It would have been great but we have already been back to the dr. because Jack is sick again, and we'll have to go back as soon as he is well (if that ever happens) to get his immunizations since he couldn't get them last Friday because he was sick. Can you tell I'm frustrated!? :)

But back to the post! The kids developmentally are doing great and there were no concerns. They are also both long and lean, lucky kids!

Jack's stats:
22 lbs. 7 oz. - 50th%
32" long - off the charts
Olivia's stats:
40 lbs. - 50th%
44 3/4" - 90th%
I've uploaded some pics that have nothing to do with my post, but who wants to read a post with no pictures!?
Jack's first tantrum! All because I took him out of his crib when he wanted to stand-up in it after his nap!

Jack has started mimicing our actions and it's so cute! The other day he picked up Olivia's walkie-talkie and said "hi" right into the speaker! Here he is stirring his cup and feeding Olivia, then himself!

These things just make him seem so big, it doesn't seem possible he is entering toddlerhood! It is fun and sad all in the same breath! I am not ready for either of my babies to grow up!

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