Saturday, August 15, 2009

Bumper or Pillow?

Ever since Jack has become mobile he has really had a hard time getting to sleep at naptime. Every day at nap he's like a caged lion, pacing on all fours, raring up on his knees and pulling up! A few weeks ago he was up to his normal tricks and once he finally got quiet I went to look at him on the monitor and saw him sitting up but still as a mouse! I was thinking, there is no way this child is sleeping sitting up, so off I trotted upstairs with my camera in tow! And here is what I found...

I guess he was playing and just fell over asleep! He does this occasionally now, but often than not, he will be sitting up and just fall forward, so that his head is on the mattress. Ouch! That just cannot be comfortable, I don't care how young and limber you are! Which would explain why after 45 minutes he is up... and more importantly unhappy! Hopefully this stage will pass quickly!

Thankfully at nightime he is still sleeping like a champ, at least until 6:00 a.m.! I mean really, couldn't I have gotten at least one late sleeper????

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