Monday, October 27, 2008

My 4th picture in my 4th folder!

I was recently tagged to post my 6th picture in my 6th folder. How fun! However, I went to do just that and realized that I only have 4 folders. Since my computer crashed 2 months ago and I had to kind of start over, I am short on folders! So, I have decided to change the rules of engagement! Whoever I tag, has to post their 4th picture in their 4th folder! :)

I found it very funny that this was the picture I was to post, given that I have been complaining about bad pictures of Olivia and having slim to none of Jack and Olivia together! This is from September and Jack was only 3 weeks old!
So, Julie, Carrie, Noel, Emily, Rebecca, Allison, Meredith, consider yourselves tagged!


Anonymous said...

So-o-o-o-o cute . . . would love for you to send that to my email so I can get Dennis to print it for me! :-)

Rebecca said...

That is sweet!

But I have no idea how to tackle this. My 4th folder of OCTOBER? You have no idea how many zillions of folders I have!! LOL