Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Jack's 2 Month Well Visit

Well, it's official, my sweet little baby is not so "little"! :) I don't know why, but I love it when my kids weigh-in at each well visit appointment. It is so much fun to me. Maybe because I am an analytical, numbers type of person! But, whatever the reason, lil Jack did not disappoint! I thought he was looking pretty big, but it's nice to have it validated! Here are his stats:
Weight - 13 lbs. 10.5 oz. = 90th percentile
Height - 25.25" = over 97th percentile; basically off the charts!
Head - 55th percentile (can't remember the measurment)
He's a big baby and we are just so proud! Although, I really thought his head would measure bigger, that was a surprise. Here are Olivia's stats at 2 months, just to compare for fun:
Weight - 12 lbs. 2 oz = 80th percentile
Height - 23" = 75th percentile
Head = 76th percentile
Everything else looked great! And of course there were the 4 shots, which were not so much fun! Poor little guy! It was so cute, funny and sad all at the same time. Those needles are so long Denny thought it was going to come out the other side of his leg! Jack's reaction was so funny though. I wish I had it recorded! As soon as he felt the needle, he didn't scream. Rather his face turned bright red, his mouth opened big enough to eat a basketball, and he just took this huge breath in. It was a good 5-10 seconds before we heard a peep out of him! Then he really let loose! But nothing a big hug from mommy couldn't help! So, we all survived! And thank you to Stacy who took Liv at the last minute for us! Naturally she did not want to go see Dr. B no matter who's appointment it was. Guess the pain is just still too fresh from her 4 shots in July!
So we will go back in 2 months, barring no illnesses (Lord willing), and do it all over again!


Julie said...

Sounds like Jack's growing like a weed! That's funny that OC didn't want to go to the Dr. even though it wasn't for her. KT is glad to go when someone else is getting the shots!

Carrie said...

Good job Jack! You are the same size that Sam was at 2 months! I guess it is a sign that you two are going to be the best of friends :)