Saturday, February 7, 2009

Halfway to One Year!

I can't believe that Jack is 6 months old today! In 6 short months we'll be celebrating his 1st birthday, that is crazy!

Denny and I were just talking last night about how we see such differences in personality already between Jack and Olivia, at least as babies! Jack is SUPER laid back and Olivia was always studying everything. Jack smiles and giggles at anything, and it took a lot to get Olivia to crack a smile at this age, she is my serious baby, he is my silly! Olivia hit most of her milestones early or right on-time and I can see Jack being a little behind the 8 ball! ;) (He needs to get on it before we see Dr. B in 2 weeks! We'll be cramming!) Basically I have a Type A child and what appears to be a Type B child.... or one like their mommy and one like their daddy! It makes it so much fun! I will say that both Jack and Olivia are good eaters. Jack eats everything we have given him so far and so did Olivia! And they are both good sleepers.

Speaking of sleeping... Here is a pic of Jack getting himself to sleep. He does this at every nap and every night. He grabs his left pointer finger with his right hand and stretches it across his face right in front of his mouth. I guess this is his little way of keeping that fassy in. He typically falls asleep doing so! I can always tell when he's getting tired because if we are up playing he'll start doing this!
He is drooling like crazy these days and has days where he is biting everything in site! I don't know if you can tell in this picture, but his shirt is drenched and he has drool all over his chin. It could be from the constant raspberries he is blowing too!

The one milestone he is getting very close to hitting is sitting! He will sit alone, unsupported for seconds to minutes at a time, depending on his mood! He could still care less about rolling or being on his tummy! He is perfectly content lying on his back playing with toys, chewing on a bib or burp cloth, or just looking around blowing raspberries.

There is that beautiful smile!

The face of an angel!

Mom, please get this camera out of my face!

Trying to look like he's enjoying being on his tummy.

And... that's enough of that! Time for a nap!
When we get his stats from the doctor I'll be sure to post!


Carrie said...

Happy 6 months Jack!!! What a beautiful little guy he is!! Those eyes!

Julie said...

Wow - 6 months already!!! Happy 6 months Jack. So precious!

Anonymous said...

Those are really cute close ups. I love his fuzz! What a handsome man!

Summer said...

Okay, this is such a sweet post. I really can't believe Jack is six months old!! Picture #2 should be in a magazine. He is precious. And, I think Jack looks so much like Denny in picture #6.
Happy halfway to birthday Jack!

Unknown said...

Aw, I can't believe it!! Where did that little newborn go?

He's so handsome! I see SO much Liv in him. They are siblings for sure!

Shelley said...

Rebecca, I agree! We got out Liv's baby book recently and they really do look so much alike! I should post some comparison pictures!

Meredith and Mark Sorokwasz said...

Jack is so absolutely adorable. I love these pictures!! They are great!!