Tuesday, January 27, 2009

What we've been up to...

A whole lotta nada! Olivia has been sick since last Monday, the 19th, so we have just been hanging out at home and taking it easy! I think she is finally on the mend, but she just can't seem to shake this low-grade fever, and her cough. It is quite annoying to say the least! She and mommy both are missing school! And just as it looks like she is ready to go back, good ole mother nature is going to stand in our way with an ice day tomorrow. :)

But here are some pictures from the last couple of weeks for your viewing pleasure!

Mr. McHandsome
Our little guy all bundled up for a cold night!
He fell asleep on the way home from small group one night. I'm sure the hat over his eyes helped his cause!

Learning how to jump in his Jumperoo

Here is sweet Olivia taking one of her breathing treatments. This was her first time to do these and she did great! It was by no means her favorite activity of the day, but she took them without much fuss!
And Olivia's latest masterpiece! This girl LOVES to draw (like most girls her age)! She also LOVES Wii. So here, she has combined the two. Drawing a picture of the fishing game on Wii Play!


Staci said...

Poor Olivia! Reeves has had to do the same breathing treatments, unfortunately. Last year we had to be very inventive and tell him he was a fireman with his mask on, but then he did great with it. Hope she's feeling better!

Anonymous said...

Oh my - loving those pictures. Dennis and I laughed ourselves silly at the one with Jack's eyes covered and the one with his hand on himself and the cute grin! Can hardly wait to see those little ones in a few weeks!!! I need some serious hug time!

Unknown said...

What a great drawing! She has some talent!!

(Keeley has those polka dot pants, but they are a bit big for her yet.)