Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Jack's 6 Month Well Visit

Just wanted to update as promised and fill you in on Jack's doctor's appointment today!

Here are his stats...
Length = 28 1/4 inches - 95th%
Weight = 18 lbs. 8 oz. - 60th%
Head = 44 cm - 50th%

Everything looked good! Thankfully the doctor was not worried about him not rolling much or pushing his chest off the ground! He seemed confident Jack could do it, just chose not to, since he is progressing in other areas. And he told us to keep working with him on the floor!

And of course he had 3 shots! At least next time it's only 2... and a finger prick!

I have some comparison pics of Liv at this age I will post too!


Julie said...

Jack's getting so big...and so sweet!!!

Anonymous said...

I just knew you would have these up today...good mommy!! Growing like a weed.

Anonymous said...

Of course the doctor was not worried about Jack . . . he's perfect!!!!!!!