Tuesday, February 10, 2009

At long last!

I was finally able to upload my videos to the computer and then to Blogger. I have had trouble with both, darn technology! So, here are two I felt were blog-worthy!

This one is just from this morning! Jack has started saying, "bababababa", it's really cute!

And this one is from the beginning of January! It would have been much better if I could have uploaded when I tried to originally, but it's still sweet!


Carrie said...

Those dimples get me every time!

Anonymous said...

How cute. His excersaucer is way cool - Beck is jealous. I love Olivia's little voice in the background. So sweet.

Amy said...

I like your new background, by the way! These videos of Jack are too cute. I like Olivia's commentary in the background, too. Love it when she stops the swing...so funny!