Thursday, February 12, 2009

Daddy Daughter Dance

Each year the city of Frisco puts on a Daddy Daughter dance right before Valentine's Day. I have been waiting for Olivia to be old enough to participate since she was born! And this was the year!!!

She went with one of her best friend's Kennedy, and her daddy! Liv was so excited to go to the dance! All week she'd ask how many more days, and come Saturday morning it was, how many more hours! I really can't wait until she can tell time! Sadly for Denny I think she was more excited about spending the day with Kennedy than him! She was also pumped because this meant, painted nails, curled hair, and a dab of make-up! AND, a coursage for her! It was like prom for pre-schoolers! Thankfully we didn't have to fork over the money for a limo!

You can't see it very well, but Kennedy is on the other side of the door! They can hardly wait to see each other!
Such sweet friends!

The Daddies and their girls!
A family pic - Jack looks beyond thrilled! You just wait little one - your turn will come with your mommy!

Of course the girls picked Chili's for their pre-dance lunch!
The girls at the dance!
The girls had a blast! Matt sent a couple of videos from the dance to Julie and I and they were hysterical. Denny said anytime he tried to get close and dance with Olivia she told him, "No daddy, I'll dance with you later!" She's already embarrassed to be seen with us.... Denny said the DJ was great and they did fun little dances like the chicken dance, the twist, the hokey pokey, and they did a train around the ballroom with the girls on their shoulders!!! So cute! And the last song was Butterfly Kisses and all the daddies held the girls to dance!
We really look forward to this next year and many years to come! As long as Olivia is still willing to participate at that point! ;)


Carrie said...

Sooo sweet! Olivia looks BEAUTIFUL!

Anonymous said...

How sweet. What a fun memory for Olivia.

Amy said...

I must be the biggest sap EVER because I am sitting hear and reading your TEARS! Olivia looked absolutely beautiful in her dress and the pics of her with Denny are priceless. How precious! Just picturing all those dads holding their sweet baby girls and dancing to Butterfly Kisses...WATER WORKS!!! :)