Tuesday, May 6, 2008

A Sleepover... Take Two!

So this weekend, we had Kennedy sleep over at our house! Olivia had seen Kennedy at church on Thursday night, so she knew all about the sleepover on Friday. So all day Friday I had to hear, "When is Kennedy coming over Mommy?" or "When will Kennedy be here?" or "How much longer until Kennedy gets here Mommy?"... you get the idea! By about 10:00 a.m. I was about to call Julie and just have her bring Kennedy over! But finally Kennedy arrived and the girls immediately went upstairs to play, like always! There are a couple of things Olivia never tires of and one of them is dress-up. Luckily Kennedy loves to dress-up as much as Olivia, so they spent most of their time doing just that... and taking care of their babies!

Best of friends
For dinner we bought a pizza crust with toppings for the girls to put together! They were so cute "making" their dinner! They did a really good job with everything too!
Enjoying all of their hard work!
Enjoying their dessert even more!!!
And finally winding down before bedtime with a My Little Pony movie. They look so sweet... and sleepy, but don't let them fool you!
Both girls have the same blow-up beds so Kennedy brought hers over and they slept on those! Just like at Kennedy's house there was much whispering and talking and we even heard one or both of them actually get up. When we went upstairs to check there was a quick scramble to get back into their sleeping bags! There was also a huge pile of books which were not there when we had left them to go to sleep originally! It was pretty funny! I think they finally passed out around 11:00! Luckily they slept in a little... 7:30!
The next morning they woke-up, played, had some donuts, and of course watched a few cartoons before it was time for the sad good-byes!

1 comment:

Julie said...

They are so stinkin' cute! I am so glad they are the best of friends! I was just laughing, thinking every picture I have of Kennedy at your house is in that same dress up dress. :-) She practically strips down as she walking in so she can get into "her" dress up clothes and do the other thing she likes to do when she gets to your house. :-)