This precious little boy is 19 months old!!!
He loves his la-la (lovey)
He will sometimes stop mid-play and take a rest, even on the hard floors!
Beautiful boy!
Jack is so busy, he doesn't stop moving, climbing, or making a mess. He carries this stool anywhere to get to what he wants.
But he is still such a doll!
He LOVES being outside!
And HATES being told he can't go out! He is just waiting me out I guess!
One of his new favorite places to have a snack... so random!
In case you couldn't tell this little boy has me completely wrapped! He brings new meaning to the phrase, "it's a good thing you're so cute!" Because he is into everything and goes non-stop. He won't even sit still for his show these days. What's a mom to do! But he just flashes that smile and he's got me right where he wants me!
Jack is talking more and more and has some cute words and phrases. My personal favs are...
"hi", still so cute for some reason
"uh-oh", he uses it anytime he throws something down... on purpose
"otay" - okay
"shoes", quickly followed by "socks"
"tin tu" (thank you)
"belk" and sometimes appropriately "milk"
"cacko" - cracker
"otch show" (watch show)
"bye-bye Elmo" (when we turn off his show)
"Oyeeya" (Olivia) - he also LOVES his big sis
"cock" - cook
"all gun gow" (all done now)
"hee - is" (here it is/there is is)
"I poop" - yes, he tells me when he poops!
"bye, bye mama/dada/Oyeeya/book/whatever"
bye, bye graf (goodnight giraffe) - from his most favorite book, Goodnight Gorilla
And he loves, loves, loves to scream Mama... for no good reason other than to get my attention
At 18 mo. Jack was 24.4 lbs - 40th % and 33.5" tall - 85th %.
I could go on and on, but I will try not to bore you... as if I haven't already!
Love the posts on your kiddos!! They are such CUTIES!
He melts my heart too!!!! I cannot believe how much he's grown - he looks like a "big boy" instead of a baby. I can hardly wait to spend some time with him next month.
You are back!!! So glad to see you post. I love the post by the way. That Jack is such a cutie. What a big boy he is becoming... so fun and playful!
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