Saturday, May 23, 2009

Way Behind

I'm sure it's no surprise, but I am way behind on blogging! I will do my best to get caught up over this nice, long weekend.

In the midst of all the kid's activities we did manage to squeeze in a concert at the beginning of the month! Denny and I went to see Kenny Chesney with some of our good friends the first weekend of May. If anyone remembers it was the Saturday that it rained cats and dogs all day... and all night. We spent the afternoon tailgating under a tent that luckily had sides on it, so we stayed fairly dry. Despite the rain (and the eventually canceled concert) we really had so much fun!

Carey, Sheryl, Me, and Chasity
(And yes, Sheryl does have on gloves, as well as TWO jackets AND a winter coat - she said it was cold???)

Denny, Marc and Bob

Me and Denny during one of the rain storms!

And a pic of Kenny!
These are not the tickets we had, but it is where we were able to sneak and squeeze our way to!
Unfortunately we didn't get to go back for the "make-up" concert last weekend, but hopefully he will be back next year, and hopefully it will not rain!

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