Friday, May 15, 2009

There is NO way

my sweet baby boy is already 9 months old! He is really starting to grow-up! It makes me so sad to look at him and realize that he is no longer a little baby! I think back to when he was first born and how skinny and small he was, and now he is a big, pudgy mess, and I wonder, when did that happen??? I feel like I fell asleep one night and he was a week old and I woke up the next morning and boom he's on the verge of toddler-hood!

But I think someone needs to tell him that! :) He is still very content just to be! He is not crawling, pulling up, etc... Which I am fine with really, and Dr. B does not seem concerned (just surprised), so we will just wait and see! He does want to move when he is on the floor, he just won't get himself up and do it! Like I've said, he is laid back (aka a tad lazy).

These days he will eat anything he can pick up himself. I really think he could eat an entire box of Cheerios if I let him. He LOVES his bath and to stand up, with a lot of support! :)

He hasn't gotten any more teeth, yet. I feel one is coming though!

Here are some pics from the month!

Watch a Baby Einstein DVD

Look at those DIMPLES!!! I could eat him up!!!!

Had to get a shot of the pudgy thighs! A close-up look does them much more justice!

Studying hard...

And our visit with Dr. B on Wednesday. He was not so happy anytime he was laid down onto the table!
And here are his stats:
Weight: 20 lbs. 12 oz. - 55th%
Height: 29.5" - 85th%
Big sis for fun comparison:
Weight: 19 lbs. 3 oz. - 55th%
Height: 30.5" - >97th%
Yes, big sister was a whole inch longer than him at 9 months! Let's hope that trend doesn't continue forever! ;)
Another favorite thing to do... take apart his exersaucer!
So much fun!
(please forgive the hodge podge of furniture in the background, I had to rearrange for a day!)
We are anxious to see what the next month brings for this precious boy! He is truly a joy for all of us!


Unknown said...

Jack is a cutie! Love those cheeks...can't wait to see him tomorrow.

spgraney said...

Well, I guess you know that I love all the pictures. I can hardly wait to get there and see those kids in person!!