Wednesday, May 13, 2009

A Birthday and A Concert

At the end of April we celebrated my birthday! Denny and Olivia did so many sweet things to make my birthday special! That morning we got up and they immediately gave me my gift and cards, and then they took me to breakfast! It was so fun just because it was out of the norm! Then that evening Denny arranged for a babysitter so we could go out on a date night! But before the sitter arrived they brought out a cake they had made me the day before and sang Happy Birthday!

At Taco Diner for the big birthday dinner!
(By the way, the shirt was my gift from Denny and the kids, didn't they do good?)

Happy Birthday Mommy!
Yum, chocolate cake with chocolate icing, my favorite!

The day after my birthday Olivia's school put on a Spring Concert! It was so cute! But this is the best picture I could get from our seats! Olvia was almost overtaken by the organ!


Carrie said...

Cute shirt!!! They did a great job picking that out! You look beautiful Shelley!

Unknown said...

You look hot! Thin and young, I swear - I am not kissin' butt.