Sunday, April 19, 2009

Mimi's Visit

While Denny was off playing in Vegas this weekend, we had our own fun here at home! Mimi came out to spend some time with the kids and to keep me company (and sane)! The weekend went by so quickly, I can't believe it's over!

Yesterday after the gray skies lifted, we ventured outside to find sun, warm air, and no wind!!! Olivia decided she wanted to swing while Mimi sat outside with her. I had come in to do something and when I returned outside, this is what I found!
I laughed so hard! My sweet 90 year old grandmother had gotten on the glider and was swinging!!!! She is amazing! I laughed so hard!
Since everyone was swinging I decided I had better bring Jack out to participate.
He really loves to swing!

If Mimi knew I had posted this picture she would not approve, but I just had to share our fun!

Liv has really gotten to be very good at swinging by herself! Yay!

Swinging wore out Mimi and Jack! He is one tired pup!
Mimi got some good snuggle time with her main squeeze!
We love having Mimi out and truly enjoy the time we get to spend with her!


Julie said...

I LOVE it! Mimi is such a good sport! What great special!!

Meredith and Mark Sorokwasz said...

That is so AWESOME!! Mimi is the best!! ...and she looks great!

Amy said...

Those pics are too sweet for Mimi to not approve! So great!!!!

Unknown said...

Cute.........go Mimi!

Unknown said...

OMGosh.... Mimi rocks!! That's greatness!