Thursday, April 9, 2009

Disney On Ice

Olivia had quite the ending to her spring break. We did the Kelly Miller Circus on Friday evening and then Saturday morning went to Disney on Ice at the American Airlines Center! Last year we saw High School Musical on Ice and Olivia LOVED it, she talked about it non-stop afterwards asking when we could go back. This year it was Mickey and Minnie's Magical Adventure or something like that! They basically told brief stories of several of their movies. It was good, and the AAC is so close and easy to get to. I forget just how easy it is to get downtown since we are right off the Tollway! I think we made it down there in about 30 minutes, parked right next to the building and walked right in! It truly couldn't have been easier! If I had remember from last year, I would have taken Olivia just myself! But maybe next year!

Olivia liked the show, although I have to say, not quite as much as she like HSM on Ice. But it was still well worth it and fun!

Here's our attempt at a picture in front of the AAC - at least Denny's looking at the camera! ;) And like last year, we had to splurge for the $10 snow cone!

Jack was great during the show! He hung out in Denny's lap most of the time. Towards the end he got a little fidgety and fussy, but he was very good overall!

The Lion King
The Little Mermaid
And fianlly... Peter Pan - AKA Tinkerbelle
(I really think they should call the movie Tinkerbelle, that is pretty much the only reason it holds the girl's attention!)


Amy said...

I love seeing pics of Jack because he looks like his cheeks could spontaneously combust at any moment! TOO CUTE! Of course, Liv is precious,'s crazy to see how much other people's kiddos grow so quickly. That's when it dawns on me that my kids must be growing that fast, too...BOOOOO!

Summer said...

Okay, the picture of Jack and you and so precious. You both look great. I am glad you had fun!