She knows answers to questions about things I had no idea she knew! Just today, when we were on our way to dance, she asked me, "Mommy, what does that E mean?" It took me a second to figure out what she was asking about. But she was pointing to the compass on my rearview mirror. I told her it meant east. Not 2 seconds later we turned and she says, "Now we're going south". I had no clue she knew directions! She is always spouting off addition, albeit simple, but sometimes it's 3 numbers, like today. "Mommy, I know what 8+2+1 equals". I'm not saying she's a genius, I'm just saying that she did not learn that from me! :) Sadly, I have not worked with her like I should be! And she loves spelling out words and writing! She could very well be a greeting card writer one day with all the cards she's written her friends and family!
Don't get me wrong, there are definitely areas we need to work on, riding her bike being one of them!!! This girl is not adventurous that is for sure! But she is definitely sweet and getting to be so big!
Two weeks ago we went to her elementary school to register her for kindergarten!
And she loves to feed Jack! She is so good about helping me out! She will feed him, play with him, and try to carry him, which he is not so crazy about! His body weight is more than half of hers!
I could eat them they are so sweet!
And maybe one of the things I am most proud of her for is not sucking her thumb anymore! A couple of months ago we started weening her from her thumb. :) And slowly but surely, and without ANY argument or crying, she is off the thumb!!!! It was so simple and she was so great about it! Of course there had to be a prize at the end, and she chose to get a pet! A fish! It is all her mommy and daddy would allow! Hey, she's got to start somewhere! So, at the end of March we headed up to Petco and Rose came home with us! She is a lovely addition to the family!