Monday, July 28, 2008

Olivia's First Experience Going Under

Last week Olivia had to get a mole removed that was on her head. It was in her hair, on the back of her head and looked a little funny. So both the dermatologist and plastic surgeon recommended we completely take it out just in case! She knew what we were doing that day and pretty much what was going to happen. And I have to say I was very proud of her! She was very brave! It helped knowing she was getting a surprise and ice cream when we were done! :)

Waiting for the doctor to come in
Giving us her best "scared" face. She was a complete clown while we were waiting!
I was so surprised she was not freaking out right here. I think I would have been! The nurse came in and we had to wrap her up in this blanket so that her arms were bound to her side. Thankfully we brought lovey along and lovey got all wrapped up with her! Then she had to lay on her tummy on the table, and then put the mask on for the laughing gas. She did everything as she was told and was so brave. Just after taking this picture I looked up at Denny and we both had teary-eyes! We are wimps I know! It was sad to see her disposition change as she inhaled the laughing gas and got so tranquil and still. But then it was just hysterical. It was like she had had a few too many margaritas! Denny and I were then in tears because we were laughing so hard at what she was saying! I wish we'd had video of it!
The entire procedure took about 20 minutes and she was very good and still. By the end she was really sleepy and when she came off of the gas she was a major grump! But by the time we got home and she opened her surprise she was a happy girl once again!
The wound is healing nicely and hopefully you won't be able to see it once it is completely healed, even though she will never grow hair where the actual scar is. And we found out yesterday that is was totally benign, so that is a blessing!
Poor thing, this week she goes in for her 4 year well visit and has to get 4 shots! Luckily it will be over quickly! And next week she gets her stitches out. But after that I pray we she is done with doctor visits for a while! Next it will be her brother's turn! :)

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

Oh, ouch!! I'm glad it all went smoothly, though, and that all is well now!