Monday, November 24, 2008

It's Beginning to Look a lot Like Christmas

At least in Olivia's room! This weekend we went out and got her a pink tree for her room! She was so excited to get it up and decorate it!

And what good is a Christmas tree without any presents underneath it! So we went to wrapping some gifts for her friends! She picked out this beautiful Disney Princess wrapping paper and for the most part she wrapped them on her own!

Olivia spent a lot of time picking out a gift for each of her friends! So, needless to say, she canNOT wait to hand them out. She has already asked me if hey could not be Christmas gifts because she wants to give them now, she doesn't want to wait until Christmas! She is just like her daddy!!! Hopefully she won't spill the beans to her friends about what she got them! :)


Summer said...

Liv is so cute. I just love her haircut. It makes her look very grown up. I am glad that she loves her pink tree!

Brittney said...

LOVE the pink tree...both our girls have one too. Jillian just happened to see some Christmas lights being tested about oh, 3 weeks ago...and wouldn't get over it until we put her tree up! So, she has celbrated Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas with her pink tree! NICE...

Anonymous said...

I love the pink tree and am so impressed that Livie wrapped her own gifts to her friends. You are ultra patient, Shelley!!! And, of course, Livie is ULTRA SMART AND AGILE!!!!