Monday, March 31, 2008

Easter Sunday

Easter was a lot of fun this year! Saturday night Olivia was so excited about Easter and the Easter Bunny she could not sleep. In fact she kept calling down to us asking if the noise she had just heard was the Easter Bunny. It was so cute. I really couldn't tell if she was just excited or a little nervous about him coming in the house! But she finally fell asleep and when she woke up the next morning she was on the hunt for what he had brought her!

Looking outside and spotting her prize!
Hauling in her goods!
Eying her chocolate Easter Bunny
Her new flip-flop pajamas
Sorry about the hair in the face! This was the only decent shot I could get of Olivia looking at the camera! Overall I think she loved her basket of goodies! She got some stickers, and Etch-a-scetch, a Care Bears movie, some gardening gloves, sidewalk chalk, bubbles, etc....
After the fun playing with everything in her basket was over, it was time to get ready for church! Olivia could not wait to put on her new dress and shoes, which she may have been most excited about! She is a true girl, shoes seem to be a passion of hers!

All dolled up and ready to go to church! I just love Olivia's dress this year! I thought it was so cute, and something different! I only wish we didn't have to cover it up with a boring sweater! The last two Easters have been so chilly! But the shoes were just as precious, and they did not have to be covered up! I can see why she liked them so much!
The night before Easter Sunday Olivia colored several pictures for her teacher at church and was eager to get there to give them to her, and see her good friend Kennedy too, of course!

A rare picture of Mommy and Olivia
Here they are! Olivia and Kennedy at church! They are the best of buds and always look forward to seeing each other! They even had matching sweaters on Easter!
When we got home from church, there was no delaying the long anticipated Easter egg hunt!

And she's off...

Look at that look of determination! She really did not want to get in the dirt, but wanted that egg! :)
Trying to figure out how to get that egg...
Back in the warmth of the indoors checking out her loot!
And I took this picture only because I thought it was so funny that she had grouped everything that was inside her eggs. As she opened each egg, she would place whatever was inside in the appropriate pile! I have no idea where she gets that from!
We had a great Easter and hope that you and your family did as well!

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

Aw! Love the dress! Should you decide to pass it down someday, I know a cutie who would look adorable in it! ;)