Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Christmas in Houston

The day after Christmas we headed down to Houston to share Christmas with Denny's family! I am so ashamed that I don't have not one photo of our trip down there! Olivia had called Bumpa and Gigi on the way and asked them if we could open gifts as soon as we arrived. Of course, like all good grandparents, they said okay! So we literally walked in the door and were opening gifts within 5 minutes! I didn't even have time to locate my camera in our pile that had just been brought in from the car! :) But Olivia was once again spoiled and we all had a great time!!!! We made our visit to Grandma Grace and Grandpa Al's house to say hello and so Grandma Grace could fix Olivia's lovey. Olivia was dying to help her and I'm sure she was an excellent help! She is really getting domesticated, something her future husband will one day love, I hope! :)

Olivia also had a swim in the spa again with Bumpa, and Daddy this time.

And on our last night there (a real photo op missed!) we went to the horse races! It was too cute! Olivia had so much fun, we let her bet on every race! Unfortunately she had an eye for the horses with literally the worst odds in the house and most of her ponies came in last! One time she actually said, "Look Mommy, there's my horse, he's at the end of the race!" She was so excited you would have thought her horse had beaten the others by a mile! She had different ways of picking her horses. Sometimes she picked them by color (purple her favorite!), other times it was the number, or the name! Her favorite horse was Blueberry Cat! He was one of the last place ponies! She always knew the number of the horse and would cheer for it as they rounded the track, and looked for it as they crossed the finish line! It really was a good time! Thank you Bumpa and Gigi for a great visit!!!! I just hate that I have no pictures to show for it!!!


Rebecca said...

Sounds awesome!!

Sometimes you just have to put the camera down and just enjoy. It pains me sometimes, but it's OK! :D

Summer said...

I love all the Christmas updates. Olivia looks so cute in her Christmas pjs. I hope she loves the new dollhouse!!!

Anonymous said...

We so enjoyed having y'all down here for the few days after Christmas. The house was SO quiet after you left. :( Sonia

Anonymous said...

It was great to get to spend time with you guys! The races were a hoot, and we will have to do it again. Take care! - Adam