Monday, December 1, 2008

Thanksgiving in Austin

Thanksgiving this year was a little different for us! Every year since Denny and I have been married we have traveled to Houston for Thanksgiving. His parents host dinner and there are usually at least 20 people there... all family! It is so much fun to see everyone and catch up, so I was wondering what in the world we would do this year since Bumpa and Gigi have moved to California. So when they told us they would be spending the holiday in Austin (the UT/A&M game was on Thanksgiving Day) we jumped on board! We will make any excuse to visit our favorite place!

We decided to drive down a little early, on Tuesday, so we could spend some time with some of our friends that still live there! We were so grateful that our drive went really well! Both Jack and Olivia were great! Seriously, it could not have been any easier! Until we actually got into town! :) Denny and I were using his Garmin navigation thing and decided that we knew well enough where we were going that we didn't need to listen to Ms. Garmin! What a mistake! Basically, we took a wrong turn which costed us about 20 minutes we did not have! It was way past Jack's time to eat as it was, and he had a dirty diaper! Not fun! So, moral to this story... "The machine is never wrong!" (For all you Office fans out there! Denny and I laughed so hard! We had just watched that episode of the Office and kept repeating that quote!)

Once we arrived all was well and we freshened up, and fed Jack, and headed out to a friend of ours new home! We visited there awhile and then went to Chuy's for dinner with Nad and Elizabeth, Owen and Lisa and their daughter Laney, and Noodle. It was so crowded and after the wait for our table I was too busy feeding Jack, so I took zero pictures... I am so sad!

That night Owen and Lisa were kind enough to let us stay with them! So the next day we went to check into our hotel room and get settled in! We stayed at the Embassy Suites at the Arboretum! And for any of you with children that travel to Austin, I highly recommend it! They have a small pond which is home to some beautiful (and huge) coi fish, as well as 2 swans, Butch and Sundance! That was pretty much the highlight of the trip for Olivia. And as I type this I am remembering that again, no pictures!!!! UGH! Where was my head!?!?

Anyway... after we unpacked a little we decided we all needed naps! When we all got up, sweet little Jack was not quite ready to wake up! He had been sleeping in my arms (it was so great!) and I laid him down on the bed to see if he would wake up...... I just thought this picture was cute... and check out those chubby thighs! I could just eat them!!!!!!!!!!!!

Once we were all finally awake we went down the the Co-op to purchase some Longhorn apparel for the game the next day! Here in the parking lot they have erected this ginormous Bevo statue.

And after the Co-op we met up with Bumpa and Gigi, and Ryan and Nicole, for dinner.

Jack was in such a great mood at dinner, he would not quit smiling!

Our other one was pretty happy as well! She had Gigi all to herself at the end of the table! She had been patiently waiting her arrival!

The next day was Thanksgiving and we had decided to go to Threadgill's to get our turkey and dressing! It was packed!!!! So thankfully Denny and Bumpa went early to put our name on the list and Gigi and I came later with the kids!

Ryan and his girlfriend Nicole also joined us. Aren't they quite the handsome couple!?

Olivia was not in the mood for lunch, so she just colored!
And Jack slept!
After lunch we once again went back to the hotel to rest! Then it was off to the tailgate for the game!
Adam and his girlfriend, Diedre came up for the game! I am really sad I didn't get to talk to them more, so I look forward to doing so at Christmas!
Sweet little Jack hanging at the tailgate before the game!

Believe it or not this is our FIRST picture of all four of us since Jack has been born! Isn't that sad! Hopefully there will be more in our future!

Ryan, Denny, Adam and Alex - all the brothers! Kevin was definitely not forgotten, he was in our hearts and our minds! :)

The Graney/Stungis Clan!
And another rarity... the entire family! Wait... who is that jerk that jumped into our family photo? Of course, it's Owen! Not to worry though! I have already "cropped" a version of this picture so that it is truly just family! Sorry Owen! :)

WOW! That is one l-o-n-g post! I hope I didn't bore any of you to tears! But we had such a wonderful time with all of our family and friends, which is what Thanksgiving is all about! I hope we have started a new tradition... at least every other year! :) And I hope you and your families had a blessed holiday as well!


Amy said...

Jack is sooooo sweet and Olivia is growing up into such a big girl. I'm glad to hear you had such a great Thanksgiving and that Denny's parents were able to be with you guys, too!

Anonymous said...

It WAS just about a perfect weekend and we feel so blessed to have had all of you to share it with us! We can hardly wait until Christmas. I miss my babies SO much!!!!

Anonymous said...

Your family is too cute!! You sure do make beautiful babies!