Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Look Who's Four Months Old!!!

It's our sweet baby Jack! And yes, I have to say it every month... I cannot believe it has already been 4 full months since this sweet little baby came into our lives! I honestly feel like I just posted his 3 month update! And I'm sure the next month will go by even quicker because of the holidays! But on Sunday Jack became the big 4 months! I am a little disappointed that we couldn't get in for his well visit until December 22nd because I am dying to know how big our big boy really is! He is super long, that much I know for sure! But I can't wait to find out his percentiles!

So, for now, we'll just have to make due with other ways he is growing up! Not a whole lot has changed in a month really! He is still the same happy, smiley, laughing boy he has been. Still a great sleeper (even at naps now), and great eater... obviously! Now, if only he could get some hair.... He seems to have my slow growing roots poor kid! At least he's a boy though! And for the life of me I can't really tell if he's going to be blonde or have more Olivia's color of hair. Some days I swear he'll be a toe head, and then other days I'm certain it will be darker! I guess only time will tell!

He has finally gotten some better control of his noggin and is enjoying his Bumbo seat.
(I feel horrible I cropped Liv out of this picture. But it was so good of him, and not so good of her.... eyes half open, looking drugged.... she'll forgive me one day I'm sure! It's a shame too b/c she was actually looking at the camera and slighly smiling!)

He is liking to stand more and more, and is really close to rolling over from his back to front! He was SO close last night, I took some pictures only to upload them and realize, it just looks like he's lying on his side. But I promise, in person, he was so close to doing it. He just needs to get over that shoulder! He's got the hip in gear!

He had a hold of his sleeve and he was really tugging at it, like c'mon, move already!

So, all in all, he is doing great, and we are enjoying his sweet disposition! As soon as we go see Dr. B, I'll be sure to update, as I'm sure you are all sitting on the edge of your seats! :)


Julie said...

Wow - 4 months already!?! Such a sweet little boy!

Carrie said...

What a CUTIE!! I can't wait to hear the stats, I think that is so fun too :)

Anonymous said...

Fun! He is a cutie.

The Randall Family said...

He is SOOO cute! I forgot to take a peak at him this morning after church!

Anonymous said...

He looks like a tow-head to me!! What a sweetie - can hardly wait to get my hands on him. :)

Meredith and Mark Sorokwasz said...

OH my Gosh!! These pictures of Jack just can't get any cuter!!!