Monday, December 22, 2008

Jack, Jack and more Jack

Mr. Jack has had a busy couple of days!

It started after Mimi's on Sunday evening. When we got home I laid him down on a blanket on the floor so he could play. Before I knew it, he had just rolled right on over! Denny was still unloading the car because we had literally just walked in, so I was only able to get a still picture of him, but at least it's something to document his first roll! :)

"Whoa... how did I get here...???" Hey mom!

Then Monday, we had his 4 month well visit... and started cereal!

Jack is still growing like a weed, but has slowed down on his weight! Here are his stats...
Weight = 15 lbs. 6 oz. - 75th%
Height = 27 1/4 inches - greater than 95th%
Head = 45th%

Dr. B gave Jack a glowing report, then the mean ole nurses came in for his shots, and then we were on our way!

I really dreaded starting cereal only because it's such an obligation, the bottle is just so easy and convenient when you're out to eat, or even when you're just at home! And really, it just means that my little guy is rapidly growing up! :( But it was fun to see his reaction and start a new little chapter in his life. I can remember when gave Olivia cereal for the first time so clearly!

I don't really think Jack knew what to make of it.... Needless to say, I don't think he'll be eagerly awaiting his cereal dinner tomorrow night! :)
This picture really says it all! He never cried, but you could tell he was not loving it!

Ah... finally done!

1 comment:

Summer said...

How fast he is growing. I can hardly believe it. I think he looks so much like his mommy in that last picture!
See you tomorrow night!!!