Friday, November 28, 2008

7 Things You Never Knew!

I was tagged by my wonderful friend Julie to post 7 things about me you may not know! As I am thinking about things in my head I am quickly realizing that I divulged too much on my 100 things about me list a few months ago! Darn it! This will be one tough to-do!

1. I was on the cover of a magazine. Albeit the Methodist Hospital Magazine from 1977, but still, I was once a cover girl!

2. Although not as flexible as I once was, I am proud to admit that I can still do the splits at the ripe age of 31!

3. In college we were at the infamous greek kickball tournament and as we were riding from one field to another in the back of a pick-up truck, the driver gunned it, and I fell out, hit my head, and lost my memory for several hours. It was a little like Groundhog Day, but I was repeating myself more like every 2 minutes, not every 24 hours! Denny and I met a good year later and when he heard my story he was shocked to know that I was "that girl".

4. I love board games! Scrabble, Yahtzee, Taboo, and Pente are some of my favorites!

5. I have never been waterskiing or done any sort of water sports. I love being out on a boat, but enjoy just being a spectator!

6. In college I studied abroad in Cuernavaca Mexico for 2 weeks. I even lived with a host family. Sadly though, there was no studying.... at all. A friend of mine and I took our taxis to school every morning and then promptly got another taxi to downtown to shop and hang out. When it was time for school to get out we returned there to get our taxi home! Luckily it was not for credit hours! When I later told my dad about my truancy I justified it by explaining that I had used my spanish in the "real world" setting which was much more valuable than anything I could have learned in class in 2 weeks!

7. I don't like sushi or mushrooms, which are many people's favorite foods! Thankfully Denny is in agreement.

Allison, Amy and Mel - you have been tagged!!!!

Monday, November 24, 2008

It's Beginning to Look a lot Like Christmas

At least in Olivia's room! This weekend we went out and got her a pink tree for her room! She was so excited to get it up and decorate it!

And what good is a Christmas tree without any presents underneath it! So we went to wrapping some gifts for her friends! She picked out this beautiful Disney Princess wrapping paper and for the most part she wrapped them on her own!

Olivia spent a lot of time picking out a gift for each of her friends! So, needless to say, she canNOT wait to hand them out. She has already asked me if hey could not be Christmas gifts because she wants to give them now, she doesn't want to wait until Christmas! She is just like her daddy!!! Hopefully she won't spill the beans to her friends about what she got them! :)

Friday, November 21, 2008

Gigi Clause

Quick sidenote: Blogger is seriously irritating me these days! It continues to post my pictures in complete reverse order. I figure if I try to be one step ahead and load them in reverse it will be the time it finally posts them in the order I upload them. :) Just a small disclaimer!

Anywho.... Olivia (and Jack too) has been incredibly spoiled by Gigi lately! Gigi and one of her good friends made Olivia tons of different pillowcases for her bed a few months ago and every now and then she will send one or two in the mail as a surprise to Olivia! We have everything from hearts, ballerinas, and Disney Princesses to witches and turkeys! They are so fun and Olivia just loves them!!!

Well, yesterday we received a package from Gigi Clause and Liv was the lucky recipient of 2 advent calendars, a Cinderella ornament, and her personal favorite, Santa's Workshop!

Yes, you do see correctly. My difficult picture taker is actually LOOKING AT the camera AND smiling!!!! This just might be the best picture she's taken in months!!!! So it just had to make the post!

Jack also got an ornament for Baby's First Christmas! He was busy eating and thus did not make the photo session! But he was very excited none the less!
Once Olivia had opened all of her goodies she said, in her most adult voice, "That sure was sweet of Gigi wasn't it?" And it definitely was! Thank you, thank you, thank you Gigi for all of the gifts! You are so thoughtful to always think of Olivia! We can't wait to see you in 5 days!

Friday, November 7, 2008

3 Months and 90 Years!

Jack is sharing his three month birthday with his great-grandmother today! His sweet Mimi is 90 years old! I don't know which one is more remarkable. I can't believe it's been 3 months since we welcomed this sweet and happy boy into our lives. Nor can I believe that my grandmother has walked this earth 90 years! She has seen so much change in her life. It is crazy to me that when she was born, 1918, their main method of transportation was still the horse and buggy!

I have posted some random pictures of Jack from the last few weeks, and a special one of him and his Mimi!

Snuggling on his Daddy's chest and making that precious kissy face!!!! Mimi came out to visit a couple of weeks ago and Jack got himself some good lovin'!
A couple of Sundays ago I had picked out this outfit for Jack to wear to church. I was rushing around as usual and had Denny get him dressed. When I went in to check on them, I found this cute 0-3 month outfit was just a tad too small for him! He had never worn it before and Denny snapped the tags off before seeing if it would actually fit! The funniest part is Denny thought it was supposed to be capri pants!!! I don't know if I'm more scared that he thought it looked good, or that he thought I would really dress my boy in capri pants???

Tummy time on his Aquarium gym, he loves this thing! Which means I do too!

And lastly, in his bouncy! Give him a few more weeks and his feet will literally be hanging off of it!

Jack is still in that "easy" phase (don't worry, I know as soon as he is mobile I'll be in trouble, so I am relishing this phase!)! He sleeps alot still it seems like, and he is easily entertained! It makes it so much fun! When he isn't sleeping or eating he is usually smiling, laughing, squealing, and talking! I think he has his daddy's personality! Just content doing anything, anywhere!
He is blowing raspberries all the time now and loves to be tickled! He is most talkative right before he falls asleep, or after his bath. For a baby that hated to be naked when he was a newborn, he sure does love it now! He is getting squirmy during his diaper changes and grabbing onto everything... the toy on his carseat, my hair, my necklace, my shirt, his diaper cloth... you name it! And he is desperately trying to find his thumb, or really anything to suck on. Presently his fist seems to be doing the job just fine! It is so funny to watch him try and control his hand. It looks like he is trying to will it to where he wants it.

So, Happy Birthday to two of my favorite people!!!!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


We all had so much fun trick-or-treating this year! Of all the neighborhoods we have lived in, I have never seen any of them celebrate Halloween like this one! Not only were there so many families out, but almost every house had their lights on awaiting trick-or-treaters! It was just a bustle of activity and it was so much fun! And the weather could not have been better! It was just perfect outside!
We started out at our block party and had dinner there. We were excited to meet a lot of new people! There seem to be a lot of little girls around here that are very close in age to Olivia, which will be so nice when she starts school next year! However, much as Denny and I were enjoying ourselves, talking to new neighbors, Olivia was beyond bored and ready to get down to business!

Our own beauty!
I love this picture... Olivia just looks so small! I am usually remarking at how big she looks. So it's nice to see that she really still is just a little girl! I know I will one day look back at this picture and not be able to imagine her being this small.

Jack was dressed in his Halloween pj's/costume! And in his carrier of course! He seemed to enjoy the fresh air as much as we did!

After much trick-or-treating we decided to head home and try to pass out some of our candy. Olivia was SO excited to hand out candy... her excitement was just precious!
(If you look carefully you can see our UT flag in the background... the wind had turned it upside down. I think it was a sign of what was to come the following evening!) :)

My baby girl snuggled in my arms... that does not happen near often enough! And look at my sweet boy smiling in the background! I am such a proud mommy!

We hope everyone had a fun and safe Halloween!

Halloween Parade and Party

So... back to Halloween! I can't seem to keep up with blogging these days! This is such a busy time of year and there are so many fun, picture worthy activities! So, forgive my tardiness!!!

Olivia had her Halloween parade and party at school last Friday. The parade is fun and really cute. All the kids are dressed up in their costume, and their classes walk around the outside of the buildings and they get treats along their route. They also get to stop and pose for all of us loving parents who patiently await our child's class!

After the parade we went back up to Olivia's classroom for her Halloween party! They had donuts and juice and made a Halloween visor!

Again, I'm not sure why, but blogger is uploading my photos in reverse... This is getting really frustrating!!!! But here they are...

Maci and Olivia enjoying their Pumpkin donuts!

Olivia's class

Maci, Olivia and Matthew during the parade, and their wonderful teacher, Mrs. Casey

Olivia attempting to pose for me!

The Seven Year Itch

On Monday Denny and I celebrated our 7th anniversary! Way back in 2001 we got hitched at Park Cities Baptist Church and then danced the night away at City Club. I can remember every detail of that day so clearly! I specifically remember not being one bit nervous, which is very unlike me! I also remember Denny's best man, his brother, Kevin's face being battered, bruised, and covered with make-up! As well as Denny's dad's beautiful prayer, my dance with my dad, and of course Denny and I sharing our first dance! What wonderful memories! In the last seven years we have had our share of heartache, but we have also been tremendously blessed and shared much joy! There is no one else in the world I would have rather gone through all of it with other than Denny!

We didn't really get a chance to celebrate on Monday, so last night, our friends, Matt and Julie were kind enough to watch Olivia so we could grab a bite to eat at TruFire, a relatively new restaurant in Frisco. (They have the best mac and cheese! I urge all of you Frisco-ites to try it!) It was so nice to have a complete conversation without being interrupted once! A big thank you to Matt and Julie, we definitely owe you!