Thursday, October 22, 2009

What Jack's been up to

Jack has been a busy boy! It seems like he is learning or doing something new every day! He is embarking on the age I love! I have always thought from like one and a half to 3 years is such a fun age! I know he is only 14 months old, but I can see what we have in store for us already! He is "talking" a lot. Most of the time I cannot understand a single word he says, but it is PRECIOUS! Love that baby language! He does have a number of words that we do understand, his favorite being "hi", as anyone that has seem him lately can attest to! He is very flirtatious and outgoing, he will say hi and smile at anyone and everyone! It makes taking him out so fun! He also loves giving kisses! They are the big open mouthed kind! So sweet!

One way Jack is polar opposite from his sister... he LOVES to climb! Here he is trying to get onto the fireplace via the dumptruck! And he was successful, but by the time he did it the camera was put away!
And he enjoys trying to get up the stairs... often on the outside of them on the risers.
He finally got up on the fireplace without the use of props! I often walk into the room and find him up on the fireplace. I guess we will postpone getting logs this winter!

And perhaps his most favorite thing to do is watch Baby Einstein's Neighborhood Animals. He is completely addicted. Anytime we walk into the family room, he points at the TV and grunts and then cries if I don't put it on.
In a deep trance
He always points to something on the TV and then spits out this long chinese sounding sentence. He is so into it!

Barking at the dog and ducks on the show! Another favorite thing to do is bark! Anytime we see or hear a dog it's an immediate response!
And finally..... he is taking STEPS! YEA!

But don't think for a second his eyes came off that TV! :)
Hopefully soon I can get a video of him doing something fun like barking, saying hi, speaking chinese or WALKING!


Unknown said...

Dang he is tall. First, too cute! Second, we need to get the boys together soon. I am just dying to see what they think of each other. And lastly, I have to get B that DVD. I would pay for hiom to be occupied by the TV for a good 10 to 20 min. See you soon!!

Carrie said...

What a sweet post about your baby boy! Jack is precious!! We had so much fun watching him last week,,, and I adore how he says "hi" all the time! I have tons of pictures of Jack and Sam that I am going to post on my blog soon,,, they were such a hoot together :)

spgraney said...

Can hardly wait to get my hands on that little guy. I'll bet by the time we get there in December he is running - not walking! Hope you can get a video of him watching Einsteins or walking! It's so hard because they are so fast!!