Sunday, September 7, 2008

Saying our Goodbyes

It was a teary day at the Graney house Sunday! Bumpa and Gigi are on their way to California! However they made a pitstop here on their way out, which is so sweet considering Dallas is not exactly on the way to Santa Barbara!! But, they decided they just couldn't leave our great state without seeing their sweet grandkids one more time! It was sad saying our goodbyes today, but as I told Gigi, we will probably see and talk to them more now! It always seems to work that way! We already have 3 trips planned to see them, and they have one here for Christmas, which will be so much fun!!!! I tease them that Bumpa is going for business and Gigi is going for pleasure! :)

I can remember being in Houston last August and them telling us there was a strong possibility they would be moving out there within a year. Although they seemed serious, I didn't think it would really happen. Obviously I was wrong!

Here are a few pics from today before they left!

You all are going to think I leave Jack swaddled all day every day! :)

One of these things is not like the other, one of these things is doing it's own thing...

Can you guess who was not happy to see her Bumpa and Gigi leave?!?!

We love you both and pray for a safe drive and smooth move and transition! We miss you already!


Julie said...

Very sad! I know you were sad to see them go! :-(

Rebecca said...

Aw, that's so sad! I know what it's like when the grandparents move far away... :(